Too Much Left Over?

Back in May, the Non-Consumer Advocate (Katy) threw down a “Waste No Food Challenge” on her blog. Since my life is one big “Waste No Food Challenge,” I loved it.

Well, Katy updated us on her progress and noted that while she’s been saving her leftovers, she often just has too much of each dinner left over–prompting this question:

Why do we cook like army chefs?

The most logical course of action with meal prep is to cook up a very large amount all at once…Logic, schmogic, Spock. For my family, It’s just more food to throw by iLoveButter (via Creative Commons)

Two conclusions here:

1. Supermarket pricing often prompts us to waste.

Katy writes that she’s learning to buy the “right” amount of food. It’ll save you money, even though it’s not the best value. So, instead of buying the family pack of ground beef with a better per-pound price, she bought two smaller packages.

2. Halve the recipe!

All that dividing of fractions may hurt your head, but the pain will subside and the glory of not wasting food will linger. Math aside, be aware that most recipes are intended to serve four to six people.

Accordingly, we often cut recipes in half (or thirds!) in my two-person household. After all, why cook for an orchestra if you only have a duo?

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