Monthly Archives: October 2009

Friday Buffet

First BOGOFL, then lagom. Am I going insane? Possibly, but these aren’t indications of that, just ideas from the world of food waste reduction. To follow up on the Buy One Get One Free-Later idea, a poorly-worded survey found that 58 percent believe the ability to get the free item later would reduce supermarket waste. But…the idea is aimed […]

October 30, 2009 | Posted in College, Friday Buffet, International, Supermarket, Trayless, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Lagom my Eggos!

A very loyal reader, OK, my wife, sent me this fascinating piece on foreign words without English counterparts. If you scroll down, you’ll reach lagom, Swedish for “just enough.” Unlike the idea that “just enough” means “it’ll do”–which suggests some sort of lacking– lagom expresses that there is something that is “just right.” It is the perfect amount […]

October 28, 2009 | Posted in International | Comments closed

(Food)Box It Up!

It’s not new, but I enjoyed this whimsical little video that I unearthed while doing some research. In the same vein as Replate, FoodBox was conceived by some Parsons students as a way to get our leftovers to the hungry. Empathy and idealism over health regulations. Behold: I get a kick out of the tin […]

October 26, 2009 | Posted in Food Safety, Hunger | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

In addition to being my brother’s birthday, Saturday is (the) International Climate Day of Action., has issued this call to action to get our atmospheric CO2 below 350 parts per million. It’s imperative stuff. You can find local events on the site, and don’t forget that reducing food waste helps the environment, too. — […]

October 23, 2009 | Posted in Composting, Friday Buffet, History and Culture, Restaurant, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Thou Shalt Compost

Happy Mandatory Composting Day! Wednesday marks the much anticipated (at least on this blog) debut of San Francisco’s non-elective composting program. All households and businesses must participate in the 3-bin system, one of which is a green cart for food scraps and other organics. The preparations for this day have been rather feverish, recently, and […]

October 21, 2009 | Posted in Composting, Waste Stream | Comments closed


I tweeted about this, but it deserves a quick post, too. Behold: UK retailer Tesco will soon offer Buy One Get One Free–Later. The shift comes in the name of Avoiding household waste with foods like produce and dairy items. When the 2-for-1 promotion is with perishable items, shoppers will receive a voucher for the free item […]

October 20, 2009 | Posted in International, Supermarket | Comments closed

Presenting Waste

I’m now in Denver, getting ready to give a presentation at the American Dietetic Association conference. It’s exciting being here with so many other people who think about food all day. Usually, it’s just my dog and me. In addition to checking out what a bunch of nutritionists eat, I’m curious to see how they fare with […]

October 19, 2009 | Posted in Personal | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

With a zero waste policy on the way in Britain, the discussion continues to focus on the number of bins per home. It will probably come down to value paid for source-separated recyclables vs. nuisance. Also, and here’s the waste industry’s reaction. — — I don’t think you’re a terrible person, Rachel, but I do hope […]

October 16, 2009 | Posted in Friday Buffet, Household, International, Restaurant | Comments closed

Waste Revolution (coming soon)

Bold stuff coming from the UK. Yesterday, the Secretary of State for the Environment Hilary Benn announced plans to turn Britain into a zero waste nation. Eventually. Benn pointed to a goal of diverting 75 percent of household waste from landfill by 2019. In addressing food waste, Benn alluded to the fast-progressing (in the UK) anaerobic […]

October 14, 2009 | Posted in Energy, International, Stats, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Your Opinion, Please

I have a very serious question to ask, people. It’s about spelling. The spelling of doggy bags. Or is it doggie bags? Here’s a link to the poll (I had problems embedding it…). The reason I’m asking is because I need to decide how to spell this term in my book. Since the dictionary lists both […]

October 12, 2009 | Posted in Restaurant | Comments closed