On Friday, I linked to the story of the British woman arrested for taking what a Tesco discards. This story lends a few further details on Sacha Hall, the English woman arrested for “stealing trash. For example, she worked at a rival supermarket!
We also learn that the accused the store had discarded the food in question because it had gone unrefrigerated for too long, after a power outage. Hall took the food, deemed to have a value of £215.16, from a trash area behind the store.
Now, I can understand how dumpster diving can be classified as trespassing. That designation is logical, albeit ethically shaky. But I’m not sure how you can assign a monetary value to items that you’ve thrown out.
I think Hall sums it up rather perfectly:
“I would think the police have better things to be doing with their time than going after people who pick up potato waffles from the street…”