Revealing Letter

Gawker has a pretty interesting letter from a disgruntled former (Toronto) Whole Foods employee. It must be read with a grain or two of salt. But…it reveals some telling tidbits about that retailer and the grocery biz in general.

Here are some of the letter’s sarcastic highlights:

Oh, you throw out enough food to feed a lot of hungry university students.

Oh, you just write off 10-20% of the product that you buy for your bulk department because the bins look nice.

Oh, you sometimes intentionally order too much just to guarantee a full shelf, knowing full well the product will most likely be thrown out?

Despite some obvious signs that they guy isn’t a great “team member,” he describes an attitude that I’ve seen throughout the grocery industry: food waste is simply a cost of doing business.

And also, for no real reason–the amusing Whole Foods Parking Lot video. Foodie angst is no joke!

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