I agree in spirit, but this might be taking things a tad too far: Don’t Play with Your Food.
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Then again, cleaning your grill with an onion seems a bit silly. Why not a wire brush or rag (as some commenters on the Lifehacks post wondered)?
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A new zero-waste initiative at Univ. of Colorado football games will include composting. Given that each game produces 11 tons of trash, there should be plenty to compost. Maybe Ralphie could eat some of the half-eaten hot dogs? (I couldn’t resist making that joke again)
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Speaking of composting, the term ‘Grott Box’ really says it all.
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We all love Alice Waters and, not surprisingly, she despises food waste.
Waters spoke about the need to do something with all the food that is wasted, “We need to do more foraging and gleaning. Lots of food is wasted on the ground which is very edible.â€