Category Archives: Hunger

Friday Buffet

September is Hunger Action Month, courtesy of Feeding America. You can pledge to take action on hunger and help your local food bank win a truckload of food. — — Marin County (California) is set to go zero four percent waste. — — Speaking of zero waste, Mrs. Green over at My Zero Waste has […]

September 10, 2010 | Also posted in College, Friday Buffet, Household, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

More fallout from Monday’s topic of energy lost in food waste. In her Discover blog, Sheril Kirshenbaum asks ‘how do we change attitudes and behavior on waste?’ Well, I hope it starts with a book. — — Not that you’d ever think of wasting peanut butter, but just in case…here are 10 other uses for […]

August 20, 2010 | Also posted in College, Environment, Friday Buffet | Comments closed

Walmart wows ’em

Huge news from Arkansas–Walmart just announced it would donate a whopping $2 billion in food and cash to help the hungry. That total includes $1.75 billion of in-kind food donations that presumably are slightly blemished items and foods nearing or at their sell-by date. Given the retailer’s size–4,300 U.S. outlets (including Sam’s Clubs)–when Walmart acts, […]

May 13, 2010 | Also posted in Supermarket | Comments closed

Help Haiti

I just heard a figure on NPR that blew my mind–roughly 80 percent of Haiti’s GDP is foreign aid. And that was before the quake. If there was ever a place that really didn’t need a natural disaster, Haiti is it. After combing through my archives, I found a few examples of Haitian misery–again, before yesterday’s major […]

January 13, 2010 | Also posted in International | Comments closed

And it’s AWD!

In the Credit Where Credit Is Due department: kudos to Subaru of America for their automotive donation to the Food Bank of South Jersey (FBSJ). The Pennsauken-based food distribution agency will use the 2009 Tribeca to make smaller deliveries that don’t require a truck. And that’s not all the Cherry Hill, N.J.-based car maker is […]

January 11, 2010 | Also posted in Food Recovery | Comments closed

Eye on Food Waste

This past Friday, the CBS Evening News ran a piece about food recovery. Those of you who know what food recovery/rescue is, won’t be enthralled, but it’s neat nonetheless to see a network tackle the issue. (Yes, even though networks’ allure has declined a bit in recent years.) I was happy to see Hidden Harvest […]

November 16, 2009 | Also posted in Food Recovery | Comments closed

(Food)Box It Up!

It’s not new, but I enjoyed this whimsical little video that I unearthed while doing some research. In the same vein as Replate, FoodBox was conceived by some Parsons students as a way to get our leftovers to the hungry. Empathy and idealism over health regulations. Behold: I get a kick out of the tin […]

October 26, 2009 | Also posted in Food Safety | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

I’ve written about vacation rental food waste recovery (mouthful!) before, but here’s a recent news report on it (with video). This is one of my favorite ideas, as it allows families who’ve rented homes for a beach getaway to donate their vacation groceries before they leave town. — — Atta boy, Texas! — — From a review of […]

July 24, 2009 | Also posted in Food Recovery, Friday Buffet, Restaurant, Tree Gleaning | Comments closed

The National School Waste Program

Here’s an interesting piece on waste in the National School Lunch Program. I’ve discussed school food waste before, but I find all stories on the topic fascinating. The attention grabber is that tax payer dollars are being thrown out. Does that make it worse than when kids throw out their parents’ (also tax payers) money by tossing their veggies […]

July 22, 2009 | Also posted in History and Culture, School | Comments closed

Junk Food?

Starting last week, Binghamton has a new, ahem, venue for preparing and serving free lunches: a dumpster. No, it’s doesn’t involve dumpster diving. Nor does it even resemble a dumpster. To be more descriptive, it’s a converted, nicely-appointed dumpster with recycled kitchen equipment. Waste Management cleaned up the bin (it was apparently sitting unused) and installed the used cooking gear. Every Friday […]

July 15, 2009 | Also posted in Food Recovery | Comments closed