Tale of the Tape II–Split Decision

Let’s look at another figure from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) study. The ESRC study counts 17 million tonnes of British food waste annually. Fareshare, the national charity that redistributes excess food, says almost one-fourth of that is perfectly edible when it’s thrown away.

To subtract the ‘es’ from 17 million tonnes, we multiply a bit to arrive at 18.7 million tons. Accoring to the EPA, the US dumps 28.5 million tons of food from our US municipal solid waste (MSW) stream into landfills. Then again, the USDA found that the US wastes 96 billion pounds food, or 48 million tons. Yet, neither figure incorporates waste from food processors or farms and the UK figure seems to include all sources.

I’m waiting to hear back from the USDA and we’ll see if they have a way to account for losses at those levels of the food chain. Of course, even with that, we’d have to factor in the minor population difference: there are roughly 300 million Americans and 60 million Britons.

And now I remember why I’m not an economist.

June 20, 2007 | Posted in International, Stats, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Tale of the Tape

Last week, Britain’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) released a study called Consumption: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. Because I’m slow at math, I’m just now pondering its import.

My first instinct is to compare Britons’ food waste to ours. The ESRC study reports that the “Every year British consumers each waste £424 on food they do not eat.” In dollars, that’s $840 per year. The ESRC got that figure from the Soggy Lettuce Report 2004, which found that more money was wasted on food than anything else in Britain. 

By comparison, the average American family of four wastes almost $600 annually. That’s still a lot, but not as big a slice of the (steak and kidney) pie as Britain. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to wave the ol’ stars and stripes. 

June 19, 2007 | Posted in International, Stats, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Attractive Magnet

A few weeks back, I wrote about a mysterious magnet that preserves food. Well, Richard Chua, President of the magnet’s manufacturer (ESMo Technologies), read that post and graciously offered to send me a sample.

The package arrived late last week and I’ll begin testing its powers as soon as I think of a scientifically appropriate experiment. In the meantime, it makes one heck of a refrigerator magnet. I like to think that the entire contents of my fridge is benefitting.

In other household food preservation news, a British student has designed a new sticker to indicate freshness. I’m unclear on whether the sticker reacts to the storage conditions or is just a visual “use-by” date. Then again, they’re not actually in use yet. At the very least, it has a sunny appearance.

                       img_1301.JPG          img_1304.JPG 

June 18, 2007 | Posted in Household, Technology | Comments closed


Here’s a little light weekend reading. It’s not brand new, but a recent scientific study has ramifications on food waste. 

Also, here’s an older study of that oh-so-vaunted law of food hygiene, the five-second rule. If this traditional theory is discredited, will more food be wasted?

June 16, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery, History and Culture | Comments closed

Pop Quiz

           OK, What am I holding? (click photo to enlarge)



Here’s a hint: It was a food item. 


Give up?  Click here for the answer.  Plus, you can view more pictures here.  


June 15, 2007 | Posted in Waste Stream | Comments closed

Replate: first-rate or not so great?

A bunch of San Francisco “troublemakers who make good things happen in culture and commerce” are drawing much-needed attention to food waste. Language in Common recently launched a fascinating web campaign urging people to leave their unwanted doggie bags atop trash cans for hungry folks to eat.

Essentially, they’ve taken an observed behavior and made it a verb: Replate. Hmm…

Five things I like about Replate:

1. It gets people thinking and talking about food waste and hunger

2. We send too much food to landfills and this will help some.

3. The clever logo I wish I’d thought of.

4. The sentiment.

5. It’s catchy, simple and spreading virally as you read this. Nice use of the web.

Five things I don’t like about Replate:

1. Calling this activism sets the bar really low.

2. I’d rather encourage people to order less and restaurants to stop serving gigantic portions.

3. Why not just give the food to a homeless person? More of a sure thing and promotes interaction.

4. Great for big cities, but what about elsewhere? Any other ideas?

5. In San Francisco, Replaters should go one step further: leave leftovers atop food waste bins (for convenience in case it rots).

June 14, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery, Food Safety, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Hot Potato

Yesterday, I volunteered at the 4th Annual Potato Drop at the Raleigh Farmer’s Market. As you’d guess, a potato drop involves a large load of potatoes dropped in one location. What you may not know is that the event raises awareness for wasted food and food recovery while distributing healthy food to those in need.

Nash Produce donated two tractor trailers full of sweet potatoes for the occasion. That’s more than 80,000 pounds of brownish-orange tubers. Close to 200 volunteers bagged the potatoes, which are then put in large containers and forklifted to tractor trailers for distribution across the state.

The N.C. Department of Agriculture donated trucks and drivers to distribute the load to food banks and homeless shelters in 20 North Carolina counties. Local food recovery agencies The Society of St. Andrew and the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle coordinated the event, which went well despite some mild June heat.

As for me, I bagged some spuds, took a bunch of photos, then bagged more spuds before sneaking off to the shady tent for some icy water. Feel free to peruse my photos of the event.

After bagging spud after spud, I started seeing things. I could have sworn this sweet potato looked like a mouse. I had to take it home to show it off, and, sure enough, my dog agreed.

  img_1281.JPG  img_1255.jpg  img_1258.JPG

June 13, 2007 | Posted in Events, Food Recovery | Comments closed

Hunger Day Doings

Last week’s National Hunger Awareness Day sparked some legislative action. At least it provided the peg on which legislators could hang two interesting bills. 

Senators Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) and Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) introduced two bills. On June 5, they launched the Hunger Relief Trucking Tax Credit Act, which would give a 25-cent tax credit for each mile a donated truck and driver transport recovered food.

Friday, the trio introduced The Food Employment Empowerment and Development Act (The FEED Act), which would give hunger relief agencies $20 million over five years. The bill is a step in the right direction, but it’s just a drop in the bucket. With more than 250 hunger relief groups in the U.S., each would get $16,000 a year. Plus, it’s anyone’s guess whether these bills will pass.


On another note: To put my money where my mouth (or blog) is, I’m volunteering at a Hunger Day event today that was pushed back a week. I’ll be at the 4th Annual Potato Drop in Raleigh, bagging donated sweet potatoes to be brought to homeless shelters and food banks. When Sgt. Spud calls, you answer.

June 12, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery | Comments closed

Curry to Kilowatts

Food-to-energy schemes are fairly common around the globe. In the U.S., however, there are few anaerobic digesters that break down food waste and harness the gas released to power a generator. 

The latest story to cross my desk is a company called Biotech, based in the South Indian state of Kerala. The company has made digesters for 10 years and is an international finalist for the Ashden Award for sustainable energy. Biotech has installed digesters at institutions and more than 12,000 homes, where digesters can reduce use of liquefied petroleum gas by 30 percent!

Using a digester is like composting in a closed environment, whereby you store the gases omitted. There is some solid waste leftover, but it’s a useful fertilizer, like the dirt created by composting. Detail-oriented readers can view the full technical report here.

Digesters make so much sense, I was considering building my own backyard version until I remembered that chemistry isn’t my strong suit. Oh well, I guess I’ll just keep feeding the squirrels…er, I mean composting.  

June 11, 2007 | Posted in Energy, International, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Ugly Food

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Beauty is only skin deep. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

With the summer/local produce season upon us, I wanted to remind you that those expressions apply to produce as well as people. Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon, the folks who wrote the book behind the 100 Mile Diet, address this issue on their site. One of their 13 Farmer’s Market Tips is quite topical:

Buy ugly food–strange looking fruits and vegetables are often heritage varieties bred for taste rather than shelf life or visual appeal.

Just to clarify, they’re not advocating you buy ugli fruit, a Jamaican grapefruit-tangerine hybrid. Instead, they offer a timely reminder that odd-looking produce isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, it can be good!

I’ll go one step further: the uniform fruits, vegetables and tubers we see in supermarkets are a result of a food-chain-wide culling of all things heterogeneous. From farms, to wholesalers to retailers, anything too small or big, the wrong shape or color isn’t harvested or is thrown out. The homogenous displays at, say, a Whole Foods are a result of much wasting.

On that note, here’s a question (and article) to ponder: Does a misshapen potato taste different?

The same logic holds true with imperfect items on sale at the supermarket and in your refrigerator. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve trimmed a moldy spot to reveal a perfectly healthy fruit or vegetable. Bruised apples and browning limes and spotted bananas come to mind. From now on, let’s call this the Ugly (or ugli) Fruit Effect:

 ugli fruit

June 8, 2007 | Posted in Farm, History and Culture, Supermarket | Comments closed