Food Falls to Non-Profits

Anyone who’s been to a casino can imagine the amount of food wasted at buffets and through the sheer volume of restaurant service. Two casinos on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls are minimizing that waste by donating heaps of prepared food to local charities.

The United Way of Niagara Falls collects this high quality food and distributes it to local homeless shelters. In this editorial, the non-profit thanks the two casinos, Casino Niagara and Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort.

It’s nice to see a food donor take the initiative. A manager for the two casinos called the United Way to establish the donations. Plus, the casino kitchens take the effort to freeze donated food, ensuring it remains safe, and store it for up to a week until the next pickup. If all donors took those simple steps, food recovery agencies could rescue much more food. 

Many food donors don’t realize that they also benefit through decreased trash volume and removal costs. These two casinos get it. With a little effort, they can help their bottom line, feed hungry people and help the environment by keeping food from piling up in landfills.

June 7, 2007 | Posted in Casino, Food Recovery, International | Comments closed

The Produce Project: Day 3

I recently worked at a supermarket produce department for three months, an endeavor I’ve dubbed The Produce Project. On the first day of work, I got right into the action by tossing more than 50 pounds of ”sell-by” date casualties and watching some computer training videos.

The third day began at 7 a.m. with the familiar a.m. “pulling” of packaged produce. I tossed all items with sell-bay dates of that day or before. I threw away 13 one-pound bags of cole slaw, 10 one-pound bags of mixed fruit and 2 two-pound bags of iceberg lettuce. All told, I tossed 36 pounds of produce because of a conservative estimate stamped on its bag.

Unlike some supermarkets, my store didn’t have a discount produce shelf. It was either the sales floor or the trash. Since almost all of the fruit I “culled” was perfectly edible, I asked my co-worker, who I’ll call Miguel, if the store ever donated any of this produce to charities. He said that a local shelter picks up some culled produce a few times each week. Because I also volunteer to find food for a homeless shelter, I made a mental note to ask my manager about collecting food on the other days. 

“Culling” non-packaged produce is based on appearance, not date-driven. With the squash, my co-worker advised to “keep it looking fresh.” I was surprised by how fragile zucchini and summer squash were and how many needed to be thrown out. The ones that didn’t rupture after being dropped by customers and employees usually shriveled after a day on the shelf.  

Miguel, a friendly Salvadoran who’d worked at the store for 6 years, then showed me how to inspect fruit in clear plastic boxes. He taught me to combine two boxes of cherry tomatoes when both had some rotten ones. With an incredulous look, he told me that most employees would just toss both boxes.

Next, we checked the berries. Many of the raspberry and blackberry boxes had a few moldy berries, but we did not combine boxes. Maybe that would’ve been too messy. We threw away 14 boxes of raspberries and 4 of blackberries.

Around noon, the store manager had me watch another training video that instructed me to greet all customers within a twenty-foot radius. Polite, friendly and helpful–that was the goal. After that, I was ma’aming and siring customers left and right. By the end of my shift, though, I may have ma’ammed a sir. It’d been a long day.

June 6, 2007 | Posted in Supermarket, The Produce Project | Comments closed

Are You Hungry?

Today is National Hunger Awareness Day.

Do you and your family struggle to find enough food? If not, maybe you should help the 10 percent of Americans who do. To find out what hunger awareness events are happening in your state, America’s Second Harvest created this handy tool. Some of the options are pretty painless, such as eating at a restaurant donating part of its profits to food banks.

Now, I realize we all lead busy lives. If you’re unable to volunteer or attend an event today, here’s another idea: try not to waste any food. Think of those who don’t have enough to eat and recognize them through your actions. In addition, some events run all week or all month so you can always volunteer another day (but try to arrange it today while it’s fresh in your mind). At the very least, watch this Colbert Report clip on the topic of National Hunger Awareness Day.

As for me, I’ll be avoiding waste, eating simply and getting back to my volunteer gig of finding food sources for a local homeless shelter. 

June 5, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery, History and Culture | Comments closed

Britain Talks Trash II

I’ve been reading some of the fine print on the Waste Strategy for England 2007 and there’s more than meets the eye. In addition to incentives for businesses to compost, the waste plan includes annual increases of the per tonne landfill tax so that it doubles by 2011. We’re seeing both the carrot and the stick.

As this article in a food industry publication reports, there has been talk that all biodegradable waste–organic matter, like food–will be banned from landfills. The European Union’s Landfill Directive–which mandates that by 2016, organic matter in landfills must be 35 percent of 1995 levels–encourages that kind of strong action. 

Whatever the reason, Britain is succeeding in composting municipal waste. The governmental Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is major factor, but some credit should go to Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) a private company that lists one of its three goals as “to reduce the amount of food thrown away by consumers and ensure more of it is collected for composting and recycling.” WRAP is currently working with 17 municipalities to determine the best way to compost food waste.

WRAP recently concluded that Britain throws out about one third of all the food that is bought (note–that doesn’t include food lost before purchase–from farms to processors to retailers). America surpasses that amount, but we have plenty of open space for landfills and states vying to become trash importers. Also, we don’t have an EU pushing us to act. In this case, that’s too bad.

June 1, 2007 | Posted in International, Waste Stream | Comments closed

Britain Talks Trash

Britain’s Environment Secretary David Miliband published a waste plan for England last week. I’m just now getting around to writing about the strategy because I’ve been stunned by how much sense it makes.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) plan calls for a 45 percent reduction in waste produced and for 50 percent of all household waste to be recycled by 2020.

The scheme specifically advocates cutting food from the waste stream to curb landfill emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that speeds global warming. To achieve that, the strategy includes incentives for recycling waste and disincentives for landfill use. Kitchen scraps comprise 17 percent of English household waste.

It must be nice to have your leaders (Miliband) say things like this:

We need to not only recycle and reuse waste, but also prevent it in the first place. And there’s a particular challenge for businesses to produce less waste with their products, so consumers have less of it to dispose of.

Best of all, Defra views anaerobic digestion as the best way to produce energy from waste. The plan aims to produce energy from 25 percent of municipal waste by 2020, an increase from today’s 10 percent.

May 31, 2007 | Posted in International, Waste Stream | Comments closed

One word: Magnets

I’m not sure what to make of this but thought I’d pass it along. A Singaporean company called ESMo Technologies, claims to have developed a food preserving magnet. 

In a supermarket test, the EsmoSphere supposedly increased meat’s shelf life by as much as 50 percent. Don’t believe it? Then you won’t be swayed by the company’s own photo case studies.

You can peruse the EsmoSphere user manual online, but here’s the lowdown:

…the magnet emits a dome-shaped magnetic field that strengthens the bonds between water molecules in the food. With stronger bonds, water loss is reduced, so raw meat which is placed within the EsmoSphere’s protection zone does not become dehydrated. The EsmoSphere’s magnetism also delays bacterial growth and slows down oxidation, which causes discoloration.

Now you might convince me that magnets preserve food. But I’m skeptical of EsmoTech’s Instant Wine Enhancing Coaster, which supposedly lets your wine breathe by quickening the slow aging process. Hmm…Is it really possible to speed slow aging? 

May 30, 2007 | Posted in Food Safety, Household, Supermarket | Comments closed

Yesterday’s Sushi

Excess food is a part of the restaurant business.  I believe that reducing surplus food is the ideal, but that requires sacrificing either sales (only order a set amount for each day) or convenience (prepare food to order).  Sometimes those sacrifices just aren’t feasible.

It’s what restaurants do with the excess that interests me. They have three main choices: throw it away, donate it to food recovery groups or sell it at a discounted rate. From Seth Godin’s marketing perspective, the third option may not be best when it comes to yesterday’s sushi. 

But from where I’m sitting, selling day old sushi isn’t completely crazy. The alternative would be to do what my local supermarket does–throw out their rotisserie chickens after five hours. Sure, they’re protecting their image of freshness, but they’re wasting a great deal of food in the process. In addition, learning that an item the store would sell you one minute becomes trash the next can alienate customers.

Of course, sushi may be a bit of a unique case. I haven’t heard of any food rescue groups that recover uneaten sushi. But if it’s kept colder than 40 degrees, so there’s no reason why it can’t be donated.

The day old sushi option also reminds me of an even more questionable way of dealing with excess. A group of students at Pacific Lutheran University take their name from their question to departing cafeteria diners: Are You Gonna Eat That? The students eat the diners’ unwanted leftovers to reduce waste and raise awareness. A noble effort, but if it came down to yesterday’s sushi or today’s lunch leftovers from a stranger, sign me up for the former.

May 29, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery, Food Safety, Restaurant | Comments closed

Stadium Squandering

“All-you-can-eat” is no longer the domain of Vegas, rest stop and ethnic buffets. This food service strategy that often yields great waste has a new venue–stadiums. 

This season, L.A.’s Dodger Stadium implemented an All-You-Can-Eat Pavilion to attract fans to the frequently empty right field bleachers. The service runs from 90 minutes before the first pitch to the start of the 7th inning. FYI, beer not is not included.

Fans are “limited” to four of the following items per trip: Dodger Dogs, nachos, peanuts, popcorn. The St. Louis Cardinals have a more upscale and expensive scheme and with other teams studying the Dodgers’ idea, it seems sure to spread.

While big eaters enjoy the experience, the premium paid seems exorbitant. That section’s tickets cost $6 last year and have jumped to $35 ($40 day of game) this year. Even with $4.75 Dodger Dogs, I’d prefer to have the $29 difference ($34 day of game) to eat what I choose.

While the tickets encourage unhealthy gorging ‘to get your money’s worth,’ they also cause food waste. The concession stand must prepare massive amounts, because the tickets guarantee food until the 7th inning. It’s difficult to predict demand, with weather, traffic and other factors, possibly leading to much excess.

On the plus side, the food can be donated because it’s not a buffet and the hot dogs are wrapped. If this trend must spread, hopefully it’ll do so with Rock and Wrap It Up!, a food recovery group that coordinates stadium donations. 

May 29, 2007 | Posted in Events, Food Recovery | Comments closed

Memorial Day

It being Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer, I thought I’d pass along these general environmental tips for a summer cook out. Whether it’s today or the months to follow, it’s worth considering the article’s suggestions.

As for the article’s food waste tip–compost it–I wish the piece had encouraged barbecuers to not cook too much food and/or save the leftovers. Composting should come only after exhausting those two options.

More in keeping with the purpose of today’s holiday, I hope you’ll read this column celebrating the life of Albert Drapeau. The World War II veteran from Seekonk, R.I., spent eight months in a German prisoner of war camp. There, POWs had little to eat: “a sixth of a loaf of bread per day, and a small bowl of what the Americans called “grass soup.”

In his civilian life, Drapeau didn’t forget his struggles. Here are his comments from an interview for a previous newspaper article:

To this day I detest the sight of food being wasted. The sight of hungry people, particularly young children, bothers me. Whenever possible I volunteer some time to help the hungry in soup kitchens. Having been hungry for only a few months was an experience I will carry with me forever.

On this Memorial Day, while we’re honoring the deaths of soldiers past and present, let’s remember Al Drapeau’s words. 

May 28, 2007 | Posted in History and Culture | Comments closed

You sure you’re done?

Food waste at colleges (or any all-you-can eat cafeteria) can reach upwards of one pound per person per meal. That’s why I’m always excited to hear about campus efforts to slow the taking-too-much phenomenon.

Rutgers University dining services posted a sign asking students to take only what they’ll eat. But JP Kemmick, a graduating senior at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash., has done them one better:

He and other students created a program called “Are you Going to Eat That?” in which he and others in the group stood at the trash cans in the cafeteria, eating food off diners’ plates to point out how much they wasted.

While participating students are taking a bit of a health risk, that kind of in-your-face awareness will make students’ recognize their food waste. The same tactic could be used more safely to collect wasted food for to compost or feed animals.

Either way, a little guilt can be a powerful tool. And I love a group that targets food waste while their name reminds me of my practical, omnivorous grandpa.

May 25, 2007 | Posted in Food Recovery, Institutional, School | Comments closed