Tag Archives: Food Recovery

Wasted Food Dude–Composting Conundrum

Here’s the latest installment of my food waste advice column, Dear Wasted Food Dude, which also runs on BioCycle‘s site and their e-bulletin, BioCycle Food Recycling News.  Related: send questions! All food-waste-related queries are welcome–big or small, true or false, named or anonymous. Send stuff to wastedfood {at} gmail or @wastedfood. — Dear Wasted Food Dude, My composting facility takes in food scraps as […]

December 8, 2016 | Posted in Composting, Food Recovery, Wasted Food Dude | Comments closed

Watching the 5,000

Carolina Dining Services recently published this recap of their fabulous Feeding the 5,000 event at UNC. Have a look–it’s four minutes well spent. Experience the day and all the work that went into it.

June 24, 2015 | Posted in College, Institutional, Repurposing | Comments closed


This Fall, I participated in an amazing Feeding the 5,000 event at UNC Chapel Hill. The organizers, Carolina Dining Services, spent weeks, if not months, preparing for this meaningful day of action. The organizers, led by Ryan Moore, gleaned sweet potatoes, sought out wonky produce, and bought bycatch fish that would otherwise have been squandered. […]

February 18, 2015 | Posted in Campaigns, College, Repurposing | Comments closed

Schooling Waste

Seeing the USDA involved in fighting food waste is encouraging. Especially when it’s in the realm of school lunch. That’s why I found this blog post on solutions to school food waste and the corresponding infographic (see below) such a pleasant surprise. The post counters the popular misconception that schools are required to trash all student […]

August 28, 2014 | Posted in Food Recovery, School | Comments closed

Pay It (Food) Forward

You know what’s hard to argue against? Rescuing food doomed for the landfill and redistributing it to those in need. Doing that with healthy produce is even more unassailable. Food Forward specializes in the latter, recovering fruit and veggies from backyard trees, farmers’ markets and wholesalers in the Los Angeles area. The group, around since […]

July 29, 2014 | Posted in Food Recovery, Tree Gleaning | Comments closed

Falling Fruit: Foraging Friend

Ever see a bunch of rotten apples at the bottom of a tree and wish you’d arrived earlier? If only you’d known about that tree a few weeks ago…if only there was a way to map “public fruit.” Soon, there will be an app for that. Falling Fruit, a resource for finding global urban edibles, […]

June 2, 2014 | Posted in Freegan, Technology, Tree Gleaning | Comments closed

Panera Proudly Pushes Donation

I was pleasantly surprised to bump into this Panera Bread ad touting their donation program. As you can see, through a Feeding America partnership, Panera will now donate the remaining bread at the end of every day to those in need. Now, this won’t be easy to pull off, given the uniqueness of every market […]

October 4, 2013 | Posted in Food Recovery, Restaurant | Comments closed

FRN gets BUX

It’s always nice to see good empowered. Especially when that good is an organization run by young adults. Yesterday, the youth-powered Food Recovery Network received a cool $150,000 grant from the Sodexo Foundation to redistribute edible but unsellable food to people who need it. With this grant money, FRN will bring on full-time staff, provide […]

May 8, 2013 | Posted in College, Food Recovery | Comments closed

Building Toward Less Waste

City Harvest does fabulous work recovering edible but unsellable food in New York City. Now, with a new, 45,000 square foot facility in Queens, they’ll be even more efficient in their work. Watch City Harvest’s new food rescue facility being built…very quickly!

May 3, 2013 | Posted in Food Recovery | Comments closed

Harvesting Hope

There are many valiant gleaning initiatives in the U.S., but I haven’t seen any that also count integrating refugees into American life as part of their mission. Except, that is, the Iskashitaa Refugee Network. Last month, I had the opportunity to visit with the Tucson, Ariz., operation and was impressed with their range of programs […]

March 5, 2013 | Posted in Food Recovery, Tree Gleaning | Comments closed