Tag Archives: In.gredients

Getting Grocery Rite

This week, while at the Sustainable Foods Summit in San Francisco, I learned more about what the largest supermarket chains and food manufacturers are doing to reduce food waste through the FMI/GMA Food Waste Reduction Alliance. As you can see from this page and their slides (download), the initiative is encouraging and ongoing. On the other […]

January 25, 2013 | Posted in Composting, Repurposing, Supermarket | Comments closed

Friday Buffet

Looks like in.gredients, the Austin-based zero-waste store is set to open by the end of the year. The bulk food vender will mostly sell to customers wielding their own containers, but compostable packaging will be for sale, too. I’m excited to see this operation in action! — — Statistics New Zealand just released some interesting…statistics […]

November 18, 2011 | Posted in Composting, Environment, Friday Buffet, International, Supermarket, Waste Stream | Comments closed

You In?

A package-free, zero-waste, crowd-sourced grocery store is in the works in Austin? Holy hyphens! The store, In.gredients, will open at some point in 2011, as long as their funding outreach progresses. I’m excited to see this store come to fruition, as it seems like a model for other grocers to aim for. I have one small caveat, […]

June 29, 2011 | Posted in Supermarket | Comments closed